These are my journeys through my artistic life. Sometimes a bit bumpy but never boring.
A Sacred Life
Sunday, July 29, 2007
It'll all come together.
Just smile and watch it all come together.
You can call it the Godspark, the 100th Monkey, The Reunion, Critical Mass, or whatever you like, but, regardless of what you call it, it is coming. People are going to be lifted up and out of this encumbered mindset into a freer, more exalted place. We may or may not leave this Earth, however, the days of being a slave to another man's whims, the days of having our happiness tied to how much money we have, the days of us harming ourselves for reasons we are unaware of are coming to an end. It will be a huge relief and a release such as we have never felt before. We'll wake up one morning, and everywhere you go you'll see people happy and smiling because they will be being given everything they need freely and lovingly.
"Consider what happens when you strike a match. There is a critical point when just enough friction occurs to cause a spark to spring forth and a fire that wasn't there a moment before to burn brightly in front of you. It's the same with mankind as we move into the new millennium. It doesn't take all of us to bring about the change; it just takes enough of us to intend that we live in a world of peace and freedom and joy. It will happen in an instant. One moment we may still be shuffling through the shadows, and then, suddenly, in the next moment, one inspired person breaks a lifelong pattern and opens up to the highest good - and with this simple act of love, the entire human race reaches a critical point. A spark of light flickers, then bursts into flame, heralding a new standard and the life that we all deserve to live.
That person could be you."
I love getting inspiration like this in my mailbox.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Prayer for Pachamama
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Art dolls extrodinare!

My friend Mai-Liis makes the coolest dolls. I took a class online at and every once in awhile feel a need to make one of these wrapped spirit dolls.
Here's the bad news. This will be her last class! She was just featured on the IndieArts dvd as one of the on-location artists..which is something else I highly suggest - a magazine on dvd.
I love these dolls. Once you learn the process, that's it, you're hooked and could explore making them in so many different ways that it will be hard to stop. Her instructions are clear too and you can go at your own pace.
Go check out her website: for all the details of it and to drool over her other artwork as well.
ok, now I am feeling a need to go create!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Should I go??
You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.