Because we are exploring the half-Uranus cycle as the gateway to midlife’s transition, the sign Uranus is in natally secrets characteristics of the opposite sign as its “unlived life”. When any planet in transit comes to the opposition point to itself in the natal chart, a half-cycle is noted. And, as with all half-cycles, it simulates the lunation cycle as a “full planet phase”, which allows for the fullness of the experience of that planet to emerge and reflect back the messages and lessons learned. That is, the opposition, or the “half-cycle” is an illumination from the transiting planet and its manifestation of intent as it reflects back to the natal planet its “secret intent”.
Interestingly, I'm seeing this Uranus in Pisces in 7th house (relationships/Others) vs. Saturn in my 1st house (Me) as playing a key part in these feelings.
Saturn= structure, limitations, discipline. What are my limitations? Where is the balance between self-discipline, doing that which I need for myself and that of others. Structuring my time. I have gotten much better at this. It's probably the deeper lesson.. Self care through creating time for creating brings much happiness and balance to ME. and therefore, in turn, I can put out for others. The pendelum swings to extremes sometimes and I have to consistently bring it back to the happy medium.
Uranus in Pisces in the 7th... Freedom of Expression. Pisces is emotional, watery, peace and love and mystical, spiritual and Uranus there is stirring it up for me. Because it is in the house of others, it's being reflected back to me what it is I need. More heart!
First house rules the head, the 7th house... does it rule the heart? No. It rules the kidneys... one of the issues I had a few years ago. Kidneys had to do with fear, said Catherine.
mmmm. fear of intimacy ?
Is that what keeps one from being fully passionate, putting oneself out there, being EXPOSED. After all, the sign of Libra is the scales... Judgement!
enough analysis............for now :-)