Time to begin again. Start fresh with new ideas, new creations... a whole new world of possibilites!
I left behind 33 years of life in one place! Lots of good memories there, but as space got smaller and smaller, filled with so much stuff, it got to be impossible to work in this room. A room that became storage for art supplies rather than a working art room.. a place to create in.
Much got packed, but much also got released... given away.. thrown away.
I surprised myself.
I am one who usually holds on.. holds on tight.. too tightly.
With releasing, I felt a sense of letting go. A part of me that I no longer needed. Who was that person? why did she need to hold on?
I think or maybe feel the reason that helped me through this process was death.
If I died today, who would deal with all this stuff?!? and would I want to lay that on anyone???
I emptied drawers and closets and boxes of stuff that hadn't been looked at in a very long time.
I came across art work from collage and even high school.. all now deteriorating.. and no longer feeling so important. I left behind the past. I moved on.
I don't need the physical stuff for me to remember. I just remember... the important stuff anyway...
I just didn't know.
Now I do.
NOW I know the JOY!
I know the joy of starting fresh... a new beginning.
Another chance.
Love your blog! Glad I found it...I am signed up as a follower. Perhaps you might want to follow mine at
You know me from Dan Goodwin's site, "Coach Creative Space"...Have a great day!
Laura Thykeson
HI Doreeen...
HOw have I not seen this blog of late? It's so good to be here, and read about your journey into change. You've embraced it admirably and have inspired me in this regard. thank you!
And..the mandala card is incredible.. love the colors, the design. Not many mandalas from me of late, but a lot of journaling and other expressive art..I'm going with the flow.
And.. your Art Room sound so creative.. ahh..to create artfully on the walls of your home - how wonderful...
blessings along the flow of life...to you and yours, always...
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