This page is from Serena. I was fortunate enough to have Serena work in two different books. I love the way her page complements Shari's page and her important message for me and for all of us. We all have that inner beauty that needs to be released into the world.. without that, it wouldn't matter how great your make-up is. Our true beauty does in fact shine through us - a divine light- when we feel safe and secure, when we embrace love and gratitude for all that Life has given us. Thanks Serena.
Susie's playful page with a great Frankenthaler quote, "Every canvas is a journey all it's own"
How true... how true. Anyone that paints know this.. a journey that will take you down roads you never expected to be there. Stuff shows up and you ponder the message and meaning.
Thank you Susie.
Susie did another page - I'll post it next.
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