I had a completely different idea in mind for this project. As I was cleaning up the art room, I found this house-shaped shadowbox and decided to use it. I thought the background would be clouds, but more cleaning produced this paper I had left over from another project.
As I was ripping and gluing I liked the way the paper gave this feeling of a cocoon. This was a snowy, cold day and I was musing on this idea of our home as a cocoon, protecting us, wrapping us in warmth. There are times in my life when I could easily stay wrapped up in this cocoon and not venture out, not take risks, and stay in the illusion of being safe. But we must take a leap of faith. We do this every day. Every time we walk out that door, we are venturing into unknown territory, not knowing what possibilities the world will hold in store for us. So we take flight. We may come upon surprises, miracles around the next corner, and sometimes even unaware of them.
So on this cold winter day, comfortable in my warm and cozy room, creating, I realize it is not so easy to take flight, not now. But soon it will be spring and then we will all be buzzing around.