These are my journeys through my artistic life. Sometimes a bit bumpy but never boring.
A Sacred Life
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A day at the beach
Monday, December 08, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
a video to share with you :-)
ART.... Yes, you ought to :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Grateful for your visits
thanks :-)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Please Vote
Well, these two major planets are slower moving and therefore effect us all as a group as well as individually. Depending on where they are in your chart (house position) will determine what issues will be effected for you on a more personal level...
But on a more global level..
Think on this: (taken from the Cosmic Calender)
(I put in the bold lines)
p.s. you could also substitute McCain for Saturn and Obama for Uranus.
-- the first of five Saturn-Uranus oppositions (5:34AM PST) stretching out until late July of 2010. To say this is challenging is the understatement of the year. These planets form polarities around every 43 -- 45 years. They are definite rivals in which battle lines are drawn between the past and the future, tradition versus innovation, order versus rebellion, logic versus intuition, the status-quo versus revolutionary changes, and the list goes on. The fact that an American presidential election happens today -- not just influencing the USA, but also the entire world -- is par for the course that the universe loves to tinker with human affairs and earthly happenings. Everyone now has to do a delicate balancing act -- internally and externally -- as these two giant planetary archetypes push us all to the brink. Fear (Saturn) is now in many ways combating the urge toward liberation (Uranus). Nevertheless, the shattering of old bounds and established ways of doing things is always unsettling and, in this case, can be true on a massive, shocking scale. Keep in mind that the Moon is still void and thereby in unreliable shape until it enters Aquarius (4:03PM PST). Thereafter, it's a good idea to focus your gaze on group projects, team sports, community events, national goals, global causes and fulfilling your higher destiny.
Mercury enters Scorpio (8:01AM PST) until November 22. This ingress by the fleet-footed Messenger of the Gods encourages research, detective work, ferreting out secrets and learning more about ancient cultures and civilizations.
Another important polarity occurs today -- Venus in Sagittarius opposing Juno in Gemini (3:48AM PST) -- bringing in a sharp focus of the feminine confrontation that mimics the masculine divide symbolized by Saturn at loggerheads with Uranus.
Stay alert and write down inspirations in a special journal as Mercury makes supportive, 60-degree ties to Ceres (1:55PM PST) and Juno (11:43PM PST).
Copyright, 2007 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.
Friday, October 31, 2008

There are some things that we need to rely on them for and therefore I am being optimistic that this change is coming...
that we can focus on love rather than fear. Peace instead of war.
So please go out and vote...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Interestingly, I'm seeing this Uranus in Pisces in 7th house (relationships/Others) vs. Saturn in my 1st house (Me) as playing a key part in these feelings.
Saturn= structure, limitations, discipline. What are my limitations? Where is the balance between self-discipline, doing that which I need for myself and that of others. Structuring my time. I have gotten much better at this. It's probably the deeper lesson.. Self care through creating time for creating brings much happiness and balance to ME. and therefore, in turn, I can put out for others. The pendelum swings to extremes sometimes and I have to consistently bring it back to the happy medium.
Uranus in Pisces in the 7th... Freedom of Expression. Pisces is emotional, watery, peace and love and mystical, spiritual and Uranus there is stirring it up for me. Because it is in the house of others, it's being reflected back to me what it is I need. More heart!
First house rules the head, the 7th house... does it rule the heart? No. It rules the kidneys... one of the issues I had a few years ago. Kidneys had to do with fear, said Catherine.
mmmm. fear of intimacy ?
Is that what keeps one from being fully passionate, putting oneself out there, being EXPOSED. After all, the sign of Libra is the scales... Judgement!
enough analysis............for now :-)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Angel Project

This is what you do:
1. Remit $30 via PayPal to
2. Go to and ask to join. I will approve you immediately on receiving payment.
3. Tell your friends!
Remember, the cost comes out to be 50 cents a day, and you will not only be inspired but be making beautiful and useful gifts.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

or is it?
I have been having some crazy stuff happening to my body and when reading this from Daily Wisdom, by Lissa Coffey, I said, oh yes... this I am experiencing.
First poison ivy, which you already know if you've gone to the other blogs.. but now I have a rash, hives, on my body. Itchy as all hell! ( hell=not a good or fun experience).
"When one is pretending the entire body revolts." -Anais Nin
Self-awareness means also being in touch with the signals that our body gives us. We might try to "fake it" on the outside, but we can't fool ourselves. The body doesn't lie. When we get stressed out it can show up in our stomach, or our back, or as a headache. ( or all over my face........)
We can use those signals to give our body what it needs to come back into balance - whether it's a glass of water, a massage, or a nap! -Lissa Coffey
I may need something stronger than water, nap or massage... although I have been eating very lightly, fruits and water, to help cleanse my system.
Something obviously needs to escape from me, but what I am not sure.
Neck area. Speak up about what I need... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not a ask for help sort of person, tending to rather do it myself - RELEASE CONTROL!!!
Belly area, 3rd chakra, the will center.
My needs, my will, conflicting with "out there"- herein lies a big problem.
Being nice. Always being nice, keeping the peace, compromising for the sake of not causing too many disturbances... Mrs. Nice Gal
How to vent in a non-threatening way?
Think Rash = anger trying to release itself. It's evident something needs to be released and my body is openly displaying this... no hiding.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What's Sacred?
Beauty at birth, the journey along the way and then the beauty in the end stages. There is where wisdom is held and to me wisdom is beautiful. What has your life's journey taught you? What gifts has it given you and what have you given back?
In the end, we all have played a part, however insignificant you may think it was... maybe giving birth or the giving of your love was all that was needed and that is true abundance.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thanks Frank :-)
He plants tomatoes, and other goodies and takes care of three fig trees.
The fig tree came from my grandfather which came from Sicily. My grandfather buried his tree every year as it got cold... We wrap ours. Not an easy task.
Each year Frank pots up the shoots that come off of it and now a piece of that tree is scattered around to neighbors and friends.
I love watching the bees on the sunflowers, gathering pollen all over them.
I love the intricate patterns of the flower and how they change, spiraling out and eventually creating seeds.
Nature's beautiful and amazing flower mandala!
I took one to class so the kids could paint them this week.
It gave them a chance to take a look, a good close look... something I was inspired to do from Georgia O'Keefe's flower paintings.
I had forgotten about the recent pictures I'd taken.. there are more sunflowers throughout the blogs. Barb's sunflower doodle at mandala oasis reminded me of them... thanks Barb :-)
and thanks Frank for planting them......
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Feeling so incredibly blessed by the whole experience.
Thanks Kucho!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
How do things change?
one person at a time...........
this is the first time I'm putting a video here and it's a good one. hope it works :-)
yeah! I did it!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Back to the garden...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Water and Stone
The message of the water this year was it's healing powers. It's actually been a theme all year for me. One reason I wanted to go back to Peru was to go to Lake Titicaca.
Water has a message of persistance. It will gradually wear down anything in it's path... message to me and hubby.. "have patience and keep persisting"
It also takes the path of least resistance. Why do we feel we must always take the hard road anyway. As if it wouldn't be a real accomplishment if we didn't sweat for it. One day we wake up and realize it's better to work smart rather than work hard, use our energy more efficiently.
"In confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but through persistence" -Buddha
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Grandpa Woodstock
One of the few hippies left in Woodstock. He's cool :-)
All the times we've been here, I never met him, but he said to "google" him and I'll find hundreds of hits. I haven't tried it yet, but here I am adding one more.
After spending a week in the Catskills, savoring the fresh mountain air, meditating by the Esopus, and just relaxing and hanging out, I spent the majority of the day checking emails and blogs.
Just before I left, I participated in an artists survey done by Seth at The Altered Page where over 80 artists participated in it. Very cool! You must check it out.
The most wonderful thing is that it's amazing way to get to know other artists and their blogs and get to know them a little bit deeper if you already know of them or just find new bloggy friends:-)..... so Thanks Seth!!
Most of my art, Mandalas lately, are on the other blogs (links upper left hand corner :-)
Some of my vacation pictures will be here and the mandalas I've worked on at A Year of Art and more "deeper" questioning on it all will be at Roots 'n' Wings.
ok, now I'm off to google "grandpa"..........
Muchas Gracias!

Friday, August 15, 2008
But I felt a little bit braver afterwards. The weather cleared a bit as we went through the reeds. At least we could SEE. The rain had come down so hard, windows fogging up, there's no way the boat driver would have been able to see going through them... and NO WIPERS.
So, here I am sitting a my computer. Comfortable. Safe. After reading a blog which triggered a thought about traveling, leaving behind all these comfortable things we have stored up in our nests... how does one become comfortable, reaching outside the comfort zone and into the world at large. Reaching outside the comfort zone of anything for that matter. Risk. Taking a leap of faith off that huge cliff.
I jump between worlds. The safe and secure... rooted, comfortable, surrounded by all that I love..... and the needing to explore this vast, bewildering, magical world. Physically in the world, and emotionally in my art.
what the heck is safety anyway? isn't that just an illusion? a state of mind? it always calls me back to the big picture.. The BIG picture... that we are always safe, the whole entire world is our home, and what is there to be afraid of anyway... really?
It is the mouse, eyes to the ground, seeing the detail of everything and forgetting how to soar like the condor or eagle and seeing it all from above... the big picture.. the magnificent beauty of this planet....... I really miss Peru.
But we leave for the mountains next week. Leaving my honeycomb to explore :-)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Watching nature
Two years ago, we saw a luna moth, big and green and very beautiful.
I'll have to upload the baby swans and Billy Quackers, the Art duck next.
Camp was filled with good "nature" experiences this year.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Life is Good :-)
I'm sure everyone else getting TUT...notes from the Universe got this as well, but the Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu... got my attention........ I love getting these notes :-)
The funny thing, Doreen, is that in spite of the euphoria one feels upon entering paradise, cloaked in miracles, surrounded by angels, love, and unimaginable beauty, it gradually becomes all they know, commonplace, ordinary, and then, shockingly... invisible.
Yep, I'm talking about life on earth.
Yippee Kai-Ye, The Universe
Machu Picchu! Machu Picchu! Machu Picchu!
Please join me, Doreen, as we kick off TUT's Wonders of the World Tour! Make new friends, travel back in time, and dance with the gods at the most famous lost city ever found!
It's so you!
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ® © ®
You live in heaven, Doreen, you really do.
Yes I do:-) Loving my life living with my sweetest man... sharing it with good friends... doing art!
Life here more often than not is heavenly.
Live life as the miracle it is.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Where The Hell Is Matt?
Want to feel good, no, Great?? go take a 4 minute and 29 second break and watch the video.