A Sacred Life

A Sacred Life

Monday, January 28, 2008


I spent a good part of yesterday cleaning and clearing the bedroom. This area, according to Feng Shui is my Fame and Reputation area as well as my Prosperity area. Both were cluttered.
I swept away the cobwebs and set the intention that I too was clear on my path. Knowing and seeing clearly my path.
Setting an intention is powerful, but it's pretty hard to set an intention if you don't know which direction to take. Knowing is key.
I had a conversation with my son the other night about "knowing". We are both Aquarius's and that is our key phrase, "I know". I recalled how he always said this as a child and whenever you told him something... he would say, "I know".
I tend to say it as well, when I do know, that is. But there is an issue of not wanting to know, which he sees in me. This is my LaLaLand syndrome of not wanting to know. But that is another story.........
Knowing something in order to pass it on, teach it. How well do you know something before you feel comfortable in teaching or sharing it?
In art, you paint and draw well those things you know. Knowing comes from experience, not from books or here say. It has to be in your muscle in order to pass it on.
How can I teach a yoga posture if I have not experienced it myself?
This is what I intend for myself: To clearly see my path and to know, which is to have confidence , that I am where I am supposed to be. To know my spiritual path, my creative path, which are tied up together... to know it in order to teach it.
To stay true to my path, listening to what is in my heart and not be distracted by "thinking" what someone else may want. I cannot teach what I do not know.
In walks honesty. Being true to one's Self. Being honest with oneself on what it is I know.


Chaska Peacock said...

Teaching what you know is one way. Had I waited until I felt that I really knew a subject or was really good at it, I may never have gotten around to teaching. I decide what would be fun, or interesting, and decide to do it, figuring it out as I go. I am offering this as another approach, not as a better one!

And, I so would like you to teach me what "not wanting to know" is all about. This is the big issue between me and my daughter. I seem to always be telling her much more than she wants to hear...and, you know how much I talk!

Doe Grozs Art said...

I have spent most of my teaching life making it up as I go along.. but I am in my comfort zone with most of it, because it is what I want to teach.
In the beginning, being new at anything, it is always taking a leap of faith and that is how we learn and grow.
I have to teach what I feel comfortable teaching, not teach something because I feel it is what someone wants me to teach. I have to have fun with it and I was catching myself having those (unfounded and self-imposed) thoughts. I need to be true to My Way of teaching.
I tend to "not want to know" about political stuff, the corrupt, underhandedness, that unfortunately is part of our society (government). Stuff like that.....

Chaska Peacock said...

I can't see any use in knowing anything over which we have no power but makes us unhappy...at least not the ugly details of it.
I am sorry I misunderstood.

Doe Grozs Art said...

my sentitments exactly! I would rather focus on the joy, the fun stuff, the beauty.
I realized that there is some pretty bad stuff out there, but choose to focus on the good stuff thereby creating MORE of it. (even if it appears that I have my head in the sand)
No appology necessary :-)