These are my journeys through my artistic life. Sometimes a bit bumpy but never boring.
A Sacred Life
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Done for now...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
so far............
Friday, June 20, 2008
Photo Display...

Recipients of the scholarships we gave to the students at the High School came, playing music and presenting a slide show of the art work created.
I had the opportunity to share some of my own photos... and was excited to talk about the Peru trip... I loved it, loved it........brought me back.
The photos will be up for about a week or two, so if you can, stop by at Masterpiece Framing on Halstead Ave. in Harrison.
How cold was it????

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Amantani Island
Downstairs and outside from our room was the kitchen. A table that held 6 people comfortably. The 6 included myself, Mai-Liis, Silvia, two guys from Japan and one guy from Switzerland. Catalina, our house mother cooked for us here, on the floor, inside the small room that had no ventilation except one small window. She and her husband sat on the floor eating... hey, they were closer to the heat...
Dinner was soup, a dish of potatoes, rice and pasta which has some lima beans in there. Our discussion explained that a high carb diet helped to keep them warm. With our meals, there was always coca tea and another herb I forgot the name of. Both used for the altitude.
Breakfast was fried bread, corn on the cob.
here is our house father bringing hats for the cold evening.
The bathroom, downstairs and through the garden - did I say no electricity... no heat... no plumbing... I used the pot under the table!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Uros Islands
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Boat Ride
We were in a boat with about 18 people or there abouts. Not so bad. I was ok with it. Here we are approaching the Uros islands which are made from Totoro reeds. They are the floating islands... yes, they actually float.. They repeatedly layer on the reeds.
Met by greeters. Very colorfully dressed women. They are prepared for visitors - ready to sell their handicrafts.
Home sweet home.. No kidding, there is a tv in here. They use solar panels for their electricity. They seemed to be very proud of this tv.... Mai-Liis and I had a different view on this. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! And this began a discussion on books. Get rid of the tv!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
A chance meeting :-)
Friday, June 06, 2008
Still Sillustani
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Mai-Liis' Tag Book Project

I (Mai-Liis) will be teaching it through my website.
This is a fun mixed media project for artists and non-artists alike.
Check out her website for some more yummy art... dolls, shrines or in case you need more info
Hope to see you there :-)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Aramu Muru's doorway

My offering that I may be accepted here. The people of Peru have a lot of respect for the earth and spirit, not taking anything for granted or at least not having the arrogance we tend to have here in the states, thinking we can do what ever we want - feeling we are entitled to things and therefore tend to abuse the land. This is what I love here - the respect they have for Pachamama. "Please accept my offering" and all the intentions I have.

There is a little niche in the stone where I am placing my forehead. I think I was too much in my head... over thinking as is usual the case for me. Too caught up in if I were doing it "right". But I prayed.... I did a lot of praying here in Peru.
We burned our despacho, our offering. I was gratefu to be here and always asked for healings for John. It was good to have Silvia here with us. I was grateful for her. I was grateful for so very much. This is where my energy was focused.
After our ceremony, I climbed up. It was our quiet time for ourselves to go within. My climb came to a point where I stopped because I thought my heart would beat out of my chest. Hard climbing at this elevation. I sat and pondered, took some pictures. I watched two black and white birds fly together and thought immediately of my dream again. Here again is the landscape of the dream.