We walked around the sqare. It was a beautiful view from this restuarant. Cusco is higher than Machu Picchu. 11,ooo ft.
I always seemed to be followed by someone selling me artwork. As I walked along, this place caught my eye. I stopped to take some pictures of the sculptures in front, thinking of Jake. The young man, still by my side, repeated, "Magic Hands, Magic Hands". The store sign said open, but the door was blocked by the sculptures. He whistled to a man on the corner, and he quickly came over. Mai-Liis was ahead of me looking at another store. The man opened the store and I followed him in.
He locked it behind me. Not the most comfortable feeling, but it was quickly replaced with a feeling of trust and comfort as the man asked me my name and if he could take my hand.
He told me my aura was orange and green, and asked me if I was familiar with the chakras. I told him I was and he added that the Inca's have two more, one at the eyes and the mouth.
He asked me to repeat my name again. He spoke using my name. "Doreen needs to listen to her heart more. She is too much in her head" He called me a "crazy, analytical woman", laughing as he said it. He said he saw much confusion. "Sometimes there are two Doreens" ( Doreen, the indecisive one! I understood this only too well) "Sometimes, there are as many as 5 Doreens.
I think my eyes must have been wide in amazement and I'm sure my mouth was agape. He talked about the negativity sitting on my shoulders and along my neck. I thought about this. It is the block between my head and heart!
He moved his hand from his head to his heart while telling me I needed to be in my heart more. He said I take small problems and turn them into big ones.
This man knew the seat of my problems. I worry too much. I analyze things to death and blow things out of proportion. Things that are not necessarily so. I don't know them as truth, just imagine the worse. Sleepless nights filled with worry and for some things because I did not know for sure and only imagined them. Worry.
He came behind me and placed his hands on my upper back/neck area, showing me where I held this negative energy. Interestingly, it is the throat area. Unexpressed feelings.
He was a soft-spoken man. I felt at ease with him, although excited at the same time. We had found our Shaman! I was excited to tell Mai-Liis. He asked me to read something while he went into the back room. He brought out a printed sheet for me to read, but I was having a hard time focusing on it.
Mai-Liis came to the door but was unable to open it. I went to the door and told her that only one person could come into the store at a time.
Je'sus was in the back with my talisman and he came out, saying it was ok, she was an artist. I did not say a word about her. How did he know that? He opened the door for her and he went into the back again. Mai-Liis saw him in the back, doing some kind of ritual with my talisman. I know she had questions, but I was trying to read the paper he had given me, not knowing if it was important or not. It was a write-up about him. Telling about himself from this guys point of view and when I realized it, I knew I didn't need to finish reading the whole thing.
Je'sus came out with my talisman. He showed me the stone, the front being a fire opal for protection. The back of it was an image of various stone. The first was a magnetic stone, Ematus, placing a pin that held to it. This attracted only negative energy. The next two stones, Moonstone and Bullshorn, relaxed and transformed the negative energy and the next two stones, Lapis and serpentine expulsed it out and turned it into pure energy for me.
He told me that I would be clear in three months.
He mentioned that I was first affected by this at thirteen. At first I thought 13 years ago, but he said age 13. I could not think of anything at the time.
Later during lunch, I had a feeling of it being Laurie's death. I was 13 or 14. I was carrying around guilt for not seeing her before she died.
Since I have been back, I have felt wonderful. I have been having wonderful experiences and I have felt so happy and peaceful. There has been a shift in me and I cannot be sure if it is just from the whole trip or being with Je'sus. It doesn't even matter. I have been going around in love with life!